Funfetti Birthday Cake

Daphne Oz Posts Funfetti Birthday Cake

This is the cake I make for all of my kids’ birthdays! Delicious, tender cake crumb, speckled with rainbow sprinkles, enveloped in perfectly fluffy homemade buttercream frosting – and then I decorate simply with a rim of more sprinkles to keep the whole thing lovely and loose and festive. 

The original, utterly sublime recipe is Samantha Merritt’s of This one has my tiny tweaks —made mainly out of necessity when I’d run out of certain ingredients — but her original version is perfect and you can check it out HERE! I hope you and your family love it as much as we do… there is nothing like the heavenly smell or caramelizing sugar and vanilla that will perfume your home when this is baking!!

See this recipe come to life on my IGTV.


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